=============================================================================== I. STORY =============================================================================== At the furthest end of the Digital World, in the deep recesses of the Dark World where no on dared venture forth, an unknown Digimon was born. As it grew, the power of the mysterious Digimon slowly spread, and those Digimon that came into contact with it collapsed without reason. Due to its destructive force, the problem began affecting the Real World as well - this mysterious force, disrupted computer controls, caused unknown illnesses, and caused spontaneous natural disasters worldwide. If this situation continues, the world will surely be destroyed...! But there were many brave Digimon that challenged the being with this threatening force. From the Real World, Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon; from the future Digital World, Veemon and Wormon; and from the past Digital World, Agumon and Sukamon have transcended time and crossed different worlds to travel to the dark Digital World to join forces and destroy the mysterious Digimon! The fate of the world lies in the hands of these seven Digimon and you, the tamer! =============================================================================== II. CONTROLS =============================================================================== A: Jump, confirm menu selection. B: Attack, cancel menu selection. Start: Pause. L: Random taunt. R: Random taunt. D-pad: Pushing left or right twice quickly and then holding them down allows you to run. Otherwise, everything is exactly as you would expect it to be. Holding Down will shield you from attacks. Down + A will allow you to fall of any platform you are on. Down + B picks up an item, and B throws it. =============================================================================== III. CHARACTERS =============================================================================== GUILMON -Attacks Slash - 1 per swipe (max:4) - B Fireball - 1 - D-Pad Up + B Mega Slash - 2 +knockback - Run + B Rock Breaker - 1 per slash (max:4) - A + B Aero Fireball - 1 - A + Up +B -Taunts Guilmon eats bread. Guilmon eats a square shaped object. -Abilities Guilmon concentrates, adding +1 and knockback to every attack except Rock Breaker. Down + B to use. -Dukemon Gram Slash - 4 +knockback - B Royal Saber - 4 +knockback - Up + B Run Gram Slash - 4 +knockback - Run + B Fly Gram Slash - 4 +knockback - A + B Final Elysian - 4 +knockback - A + Up + B -Summary Guilmon is fairly good, if a little slow. Concentration makes his attacks better, but it takes a while to charge up. Meanwhile, Dukemon is probably the best Final level in the game. He's fast and all is attacks do 4 damage. TERRIERMON -Attacks Ear Smack - 1-2 - B Blazing Fire - 1-4 - Up + B Terrier Tornado- 2 +knockback - Run + B Air Tornado - 2 +knockback - A + B Spinoff Tornado- 1 +knockback - A + Up + B -Taunts Terriermon lifts weights with his ears. -Abilities Terrier Balloon. Hold down A while in the air, and Terriermon can glide around. Very useful for dodging or stalling for time while your opponent runs out of evolution energy. -Saint Galgomon Punch Renamon: Veemon: Wormon: Sukamon: Agumon: =============================================================================== IV. HIDDEN CHARACTERS =============================================================================== BLACK AGUMON If you beat the game twice with different characters, Black Agumon will be unlocked. EXTRA AGUMON Beat the game with every character. GABUMON Beat the game with every character. LOPMON Beat the game with every character. IMPMON Get 300 D-Spirit and beat Millenniumon. =============================================================================== V. STATUS EFFECTS/ITEMS =============================================================================== BASEBALL Appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon. Pick it up, throw it, and if it hits your opponent it does 1 damage. CANNONBALL Appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon or dodge Millenniumon's Time Unlimited. Throwing it sends it up into the air where it comes back down, and if it hits, does two damage plus knockback. LIGHTNING Appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon. Throwing it at and hitting the opponent shocks them and does either 1 or 2 damage (I forgot). The shock can be spread if you touch them, and they can still move from side to side. Lightning on the Renamon level gives you this condition as well. FIRE Appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon. Throwing it at and hitting the opponent burns them and does two damage, causing them to run around quickly. You can still jump when burned. GEAR Appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon. Throwing it at and hitting the opponent confuses them. If it happens to you, or your in a VS battle, it reverses the D-pad left and right controls. CLOCK It appears randomly when you defeat a wandering Digimon or dodge Millenniumon's Time Unlimited. It freezes your opponent completely for a set amount of time which isn't very long, so go after them ASAP. =============================================================================== VI. LEVELS ===============================================================================